Our newsletter from June 2020 highlights planning for the unknown & the value of marketers to lead the way. Plus, 4 keys to restaurant marketing & CCPA.
Consumer Experience During COVID-19 for Restaurant Takeout and Delivery
Consumer experience during COVID-19 for restaurant takeout and delivery shows signs of promise, insight and surprise based on our May 2020 survey.
Restaurant Marketing During COVID-19: The 4 Keys to Success
Restaurant marketing during COVID-19 is a daunting challenge. Our survey of consumers unveiled 4-keys to success for QSR & FSR marketers.
[Newsletter] Email In The Time of COVID-19, QSR/FSR Customer Survey, New Skills
The Response Labs team is adjusting to the “new normal” a little more each day. Our team has used this time at home to develop new life skills, but none as impressive as one Client supporting the manufacturing of PPEs. Read about that and more in this month’s newsletter.
Mitigating the Spam Risk in COVID-19 Emails
COVID-19 emails with a 60% open rate for a reputable east coast grocer were landing in Gmail’s Spam folder. We identified the issue & here’s how we fixed it.
Isaiah Industries Develops “Crazy Viral” Flexible Metal Nose Bridge For Handmade Face Masks
Metal nose bridge production for handmade face masks was not in the plans for metal roofing manufacturer Isaiah Industries. COVID-19 changed all that.
Communicating With Our Clients In Times of Crisis
Here is how we approach discussing CRM and digital marketing with our Clients to help them weather the storm.
What’s Important to Consumers for Food Takeout/Delivery During COVID-19
The restaurant industry may be in crisis mode right now, but proper safety and communication during this time is the key to driving ongoing customer loyalty.
How We Sold More Groceries With SMS Marketing
Ongoing optimization can directly result in sales. When email plateaued Hannaford Supermarkets turned to sms marketing to drive conversions.
CRM = Commitment Required MAX
The CEO of Response Labs discusses the effort required to establish a successful CRM program – which includes commitment, discipline and no excuses.