At Response Labs, our cast of characters comes from varied backgrounds. Although we have team members from coast to coast, some of us have eerily similar story arcs.
Can you track the clues in these three stories?
Tim Hart, Sr. Email Developer
Tim grew up in a quiet Maryland town. He spent summers lapping ice cream and milkshakes at Twin Kiss, a friendly mom-and-pop establishment. He roared for his fellow “Lions” at high school sporting events until 2000. Continuing his education, Tim traded his mane for the stripes of another apex cat. In college, he devoured many meals and beverages at a student watering hole known as Bill Bateman’s Bistro.
Nick Mello, Email Developer
In his early days, Nick roamed the rolling hills within pouncing distance of Baltimore. He walked the wild side in high school, treading the extracurricular territories of track and field, ski club and drama club. Nick’s favorite hometown feeding spot was E.W. Beck’s. After graduating from small-town life, he landed at his first-choice university where he settled into a Tiger’s den at the Glen Towers.
Ashley Brown, Account Executive
Ashley spent her formative years inhabiting a quaint suburban community nestled in the farmlands of Carroll County. There, she frequently padded along the banks of Morgan Run stream with friends. Jaunts were often followed by tasty feasts at Smoky’s BBQ, a place she also claimed dominion over as an employee. Putting high school pride behind her, Ashley headed off to college adding Tubman Dormitory to her domain.
After college, these intrepid characters pursued careers in their respective fields. Through a series of winding job paths, they discovered a new tribe: Response Labs.
Tim joined Team RL first in 2018. A few years later Nick came into the fold, and shortly thereafter Ashley joined. Naturally, the coworkers got to know each other. They quickly discovered they shared more in common than their employer.
What do these team members have in common?
If you’re from the Maryland area (or you Googled the previous copy), you may have figured out the connections from each person’s past? The trio shares the same…
Hometown: Eldersburg, Maryland
High School: Liberty High School (Lions)
College: Towson University (Tigers)
What was it that brought them together at Response Labs? Eldersburg magnetism? Predatory instincts? Fate? Whatever the case, we’re happy to have reunited this fearsome force of Eldersburgers: